Sunset Center in Carmel has reintroduced its comedy series, XYZ Comedy, which was created in 2019 in partnership with Reed Kavner, a Central Coast native-turned-Brooklyn comedy producer. The show, which featured performers from the three generations closing out the alphabet, has been temporarily halted due to the Covid pandemic. The facility now hosts Studio 105, a cozy, intimate space with only 100 seats, for the first time since the pandemic began. The space, a former gymnasium, was used for experimental performances without the need for lights and other equipment.
The show features five young comedians from the West Coast, presenting as fresh young superstars of comedy. The comedians will perform in Studio 105 through June 9, with strong language and no topics being off limits. The next comedian is Joey Avery, followed by Leah Bonnema, Marcella Arquello, and Irene Tu. Avery, who modeled after Eddie Murphy, believes 2024 will be a great year for comedy, stating that the social media era can be exhausting but also allows comedians to take control of their content without industry gatekeepers.
Next XYZ Comedy Show: Irene Tu – Sunday, June 9th 7:30pm